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SPbU got in the top 100 world’s universities

SPbU got in the top 100 world’s universities

SPbU got in the top 100 world’s universities in the Round University Ranking (RUR) in the field of humanities and was ranked 91st in the world, having moved from the Golden League to the Diamond League.

One of the most essential components of the final evaluation of a higher education institution in the ranking is the university internationalization level. With increasing frequency foreign students are choosing the educational programs of SPbU, related specifically to humanities and social sciences. Foreigners’ interest for the Russian language, history, and culture is very high. Besides, St Petersburg University pays special attention to teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL): thanks to the work of the Language Testing Center last summer, SPbU organized the largest test in RFL in Europe, while today high school seniors from six countries have the opportunity to study the Russian history, literature, and geography as part of the "Online School" project of SPbU.