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Excursion to the Cabin of Peter the Great

Excursion to the cabin of Peter the Great
Excursion to the cabin of Peter the Great
Excursion to the cabin of Peter the Great

Foreign students of the Center of Additional Educational Programs in the Field of Russian as a Foreign Language at SPbU not only study the Russian language but also explore St. Petersburg, its culture, and history.

On October 5th, students from China went on a walk with a senior lecturer of the department of the Russian language as a Foreign Language and Methods of its teaching, Ekaterina Olegovna Farran, to the Cabin of Peter the Great. During the excursion, students learned that the Cabin of Peter the Great was the first building in St. Petersburg. They discovered the realities of life at that time; saw the belongings of the Tsar, as well as the wherry, a type of sailing boat that the Sovereign made himself. Afterwards, the students strolled through the city streets and had the opportunity to practise their Russian language skills. At the end of the walk, there was a delightful lunch at a Chinese café, where they discovered that not only do Chinese and Russian cuisines have many differences but also similarities.

Such excursions with teachers of Russian as a foreign language not only assist learners at the Center Additional Educational Programs in the Field of Russian as a Foreign Language at SPbU in mastering the Russian language but also help them adapt to a new country, familiarize themselves with traditions, and gain a better understanding of Russian culture.